How to Make Your Trade Exhibition Successful

In order to improve lead generation and revenue, you may have decided that 2016 you are going to attend a trade show and see if that can help you reach your audience and enjoy some success. Attending a show isn't the only thing you have to do, a show needs to be planned and you need to focus on ways to ensure that your trade exhibition is a success.

Remember, you are not the only company that is offering your particular products or services at this one event. There may be five, ten even twenty companies competing for your potential customers, so you need to ensure that you stand out above the rest and you attract potential customers to your stand, ensure your name is remembered and that the client wants to meet with you and buy from you in the future.

Give aways

Everyone loves give aways and you don't have to go expensive. Affordable printed t-shirts, useful gadgets and other promotional items is all that is needed to give to your potential customers as they visit your stand. When they go back to their offices after the event, you want them to remember your company name and of course, you get free advertising every time they use the products you gave them, so you will find that that one give away will work for you for months to come.


Trade show attendees love presentations, so you will want to set up a number of presentations throughout the event. This can be a demonstration on a new product you have just launched to valuable advice and tips relating to your industry. Attract customers with effective presentations that add value to them and something that they want to know and learn about.

Lead Generators

Ensure when manning your stand that you only use your best lead generators. Within the company you will have some employees who have the ability to secure more new leads than others, use these people at the show to ensure your success. The better the lead generator, the more business cards you will have by the end of the event.


Take advantage in the weeks leading up to the trade exhibition to promote the event. Ensure clients and potential clients know you will be there and where your stand will be located.

Set up appointments right there and then

The final piece of advice we can give you to ensure your trade exhibition is a success is to set up appointments with potential clients at the show. Don't let them walk away and then call them, it is easier for them to turn you down. Set up as many follow up appointments as possible right there and then without delay.

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